Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Onward with the Struggle for Gender Equality

COMELEC’s decision to deny the petition of Ang Ladlad to participate as partylist in the 2010 election is bigotry and stupidity at its lowest. It is but a low blow and an insult to the flourishing gay movement in the Philippines. More so, it is a blatant violation of the Bill of Rights as stated in our 1987 Constitution. It denies US, the LGBT Filipinos, our rights as citizens of this country and as human beings to participate in the political process and live free from discrimination. 

ANG LADLAD is a national organization in the Philippines composed of LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) and heterosexuals. The organization filed a petition at the COMELEC to participate in the 2010 elections as a partylist representing the marginalized LGBT sector. However, the COMELEC denied the petition in the resolution on grounds of morality.


The document SPP Case No. 09 - 228 (PL) stated that
“the petition is dismissible on moral grounds” and that the “petitioner tolerates immorality which offends religious beliefs” which was followed by quotations from the Christian Bible (Romans 1:26, 27) and the Kuran to support its concept of “morality”.

"Should this Commission grant the petition, we will be exposing our youth to an environment that does not conform to the teachings of OUR FAITH. Lehman Strauss, a famous bible teacher and writer in the U.S.A said in one article that
''older practicing homosexuals are a threat to the youth"…
We are not condemning the LGBT, but we cannot compromise the well-being of the greater number of our people, especially the youth…"

Religion and morality is a classic argument against homosexuality that has been debunked over and over again as more and more countries permit gay marriages. It is worth noting that before Spain colonized the Philippines we had the Babaylan, a woman or a gay man who played an active role in society as a priestess. Medieval religious teachings from our Spanish colonizers taught us the culture of hate on homosexuals, and it is the same medieval mindset that COMELEC uses to deprive our rights as Filipinos.


As Filipino lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgenders we do not invoke any special right to participate in this election as a party list. As stated in The Bill of Rights of the 1987 Philippine Constitution:

Article III Section 5. (1) No law shall be made respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. (2) The free exercise and enjoyment of religious profession and worship, without discrimination or preference, shall forever be allowed. (3) No religious test shall be required for the exercise of civil or political rights.

The Bill of Rights applies to ALL FILIPINOS wether he or she is a homosexual or not. Furthermore, Section 6 of the constitution stressed the SEPARATION BETWEEN THE STATE AND THE CHURCH. No religious test shall be required for us to exercise our political rights such as passing any religion’s standard of morality. The COMELEC has clearly violated the constitution and hampered OUR democratic rights.

There is NO LAW that equates homosexuality to immorality. It is neither immoral nor illegal to love persons of the same sex. The COMELEC went too far in judging the morality of our existence and by doing so they have lambasted the very constitution that grants us freedom from prejudice. For this we ask, did the COMELEC officials read the consitution or did they base their decision on pure ignorance? If morality is the basis for approving candidates, then only saints can run for office and all philandering, corrupt, and murderers would not have ran for office. But that is far from reality. BIGOTRY showed by these public officials should not be tolerated.

WE are not a threat to the youth. 

On the issue of US homosexuals and bisexuals being a threat to the youth... We are the youth. What threatens us is the hate and prejudice that we experience. Young lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgenders are hiding their sexuality and suffering as day by day they try and live a life that fits your “moral” standards. Everyday a homosexual boy or girl is harassed emotionally, physically, and sexually just because they have learned to love the same sex. These are real threats to our lives but rarely do they get noticed. This argument is plainly stupid and it shows how the COMELEC has based its decision on homophobia and stereotypes.

Being a homosexual should not put us in an inferior status. We are Filipinos regardless of sexual orientation and EVERYBODY has right to participate in the political process. While it is the government’s duty to uphold morality, it certainly should not be based on religious theologies! 

We, the members of UPLB Babaylan is united in the stand that the COMELEC must recognize Ang LADLAD as a partylist and adhere to the constitution of our country. We are calling out all LGBT to unite for our advocay to promote gender equality and end discrimination.



1 comment:

  1. go UPLB! i'm so proud of you. keep up the good work!


    mae emmanuel hernandez
    pangalawang punong babaylan
    up babaylan diliman



It was on July 6, 2009 when 41 individuals gathered at the Humanities Steps and marked the establishment of UPLB Babaylan, a gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) students' support group which believes in the inherent equality of all persons regardless of status or condition. For the organization, this inherent equality implies that human beings should not be discriminated against on the basis of their sexual orientation.

-Forge unity among LGBT communities in UPLB
-Provide support services for LGBT students
-Promote awareness of LGBT issues in the university

-Lesbian and Gay Rights Advocacies
-Gender Sensitivity Workshops
-Conference and Symposia on LGBT issues
-Networking with National and International LGBT Organizations

-Manila Pride March
-World AIDS Campaign
-International Day Against Homophobia
-Transgender Day of Remembrance
-Anti-Discrimination Bill

Educational Discussions
-Gender, Sex and Sexuality
-Human Rights
-Vagrancy Law
-Anti-Discrimination Bill
-Gay Lingo

Contact Information
email - | mobile - +639162764398