Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Embrace your ORIENTATION!

Attend the UPLB Babaylan Orientation 2012 :D

Thursday, January 12, 2012
8pm, Uncle Bert's Diner at Elbi Square
Come as you are.
Open to all!
See you there!


UPLB Babaylan is accepting applicants any time. Feel Free to contact us at  https://twitter.com/#!/uplbbabaylan
We are open to Straight, Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Trangenders, and etc.


It was on July 6, 2009 when 41 individuals gathered at the Humanities Steps and marked the establishment of UPLB Babaylan, a gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) students' support group which believes in the inherent equality of all persons regardless of status or condition. For the organization, this inherent equality implies that human beings should not be discriminated against on the basis of their sexual orientation.

-Forge unity among LGBT communities in UPLB
-Provide support services for LGBT students
-Promote awareness of LGBT issues in the university

-Lesbian and Gay Rights Advocacies
-Gender Sensitivity Workshops
-Conference and Symposia on LGBT issues
-Networking with National and International LGBT Organizations

-Manila Pride March
-World AIDS Campaign
-International Day Against Homophobia
-Transgender Day of Remembrance
-Anti-Discrimination Bill

Educational Discussions
-Gender, Sex and Sexuality
-Human Rights
-Vagrancy Law
-Anti-Discrimination Bill
-Gay Lingo

Contact Information
email - uplbbabaylan@gmail.com | mobile - +639162764398